Hello, and welcome to Friends of Fahnestock and Hudson Highlands.
Along the eastern shore of Putnam County NY lies Hudson Highlands State Park, featuring 7,000 acres of the most picturesque land in the Hudson Valley. Just inland is Fahnestock State Park with another 14,000 acres of protected public use space.
Today, these parks host a huge number of visitors. Hikers, bikers, picnickers and cross country skiers travel great distances to experience our incredible views and to take in all our region has to offer. Unfortunately, state park budgets struggle to keep pace with the ever rising number of park users.
Our mission at FOFHH is to provide local assistance to our state park staff by providing financial backing for capital improvements in the parks. We raise these funds directly from park users and by applying for state and federal grants.
Please help us in our mission by making a donation towards this cause. FOFHH is a volunteer organization and 100% of all funds raised go directly towards Hudson Highlands and Fahnestock state parks.
Thanks and have a great hike!
Recent Projects
Cornish Estate Restoration: The cornish estate ruins were once entirely overgrown with vegetation and covered in graffiti. Under the dedicated eye of FOFHH board member Thom Johnson, the vines have been cleared, the graffiti removed and new information signage has been erected to inform visitors of the rich history of the ruins.

Appalachian Trail Shelter Construction: The Appalachian Trail runs all the way from Georgia to Maine and we are lucky to have it pass through our parks. In 2020, FOFHH applied for and received a grant from New York State to construct shelters for hikers to weather storms and to protect them from the elements.
Pelton Pond Steps: Beautiful Pelton Pond sits adjacent to Canopus lake. Our organization provided the funds to pay for the construction of stone stairs, which allow users to access the pond.
The Parks